Ten lucky potential Loreto Medics were chosen to attend a Medical Taster Day at Keele University recently. This annual event is always very popular and extremely well organised. The two students in the photograph seem to be enjoying measuring their peak flow as part of one of several workshops during the day. They had to suggest what factors might determine the value of the best volume of air exhaled from their lungs. There were one or two surprises. Other practical based activities included finding out how diseases spread, analysing urine and seeing the anatomy rooms. Students also listened to several talks from Admissions Tutors and chatted with both current medical students and recent graduates with the aim of finding that perfect combination for making a successful application. Some students made friends with those from other schools and compared notes. Staff were able to grill the professors to try and find what it is they are really looking for in a potential medic as well as networking with other teachers present. It was a long day but hugely inspiring and informative. They will all now be taking a big breath as they sit those examinations in May/June.


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