“We have had another great year of interns who have enthusiastically embraced all aspects of the programme. The interns displayed a wealth of potential talent and I am really looking forward to seeing their careers develop in the future. The internship programme complements the wealth of support that aspiring and new teachers can receive from the College and its partners.”

Dr Graeme Balfour, Assistant Principal at Loreto College and Programme Lead

This summer Loreto College, through Teach Manchester and in partnership with Trinity and St Peter’s High Schools offered undergraduates an opportunity to take part in the Department for Education’s internship programme.

The interns spent 3 weeks at Loreto College and the partnership High Schools exploring teaching as a highly respected and rewarding career opportunity. The interns worked in classrooms, directly supporting students and working with teachers in their subjects. Over the course of the programme the interns developed highly-sought and transferable skills in communication, planning and teamwork as well as receiving training on engaging students and safeguarding.

The internship programme, now in its 8th year, is valuable opportunity for undergraduate students to get a taste of life as a teacher and to help them prepare for an application for teacher training. Following the internship, the interns have access to further support and mentoring to help with any applications for teacher training.

It is anticipated that applications for internships at Loreto College and the partnership high schools for summer 2024 will be open in late winter/early spring 2024 through the Loreto College website.

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