Our staff will also keep in regular contact with your parents – recognising that, although you are our students, you are their son or daughter first. In this way, we will all work in partnership for your success.


Click here for More information about Safeguarding at Loreto 

Head of Hall

This member of staff heads a group of around 280 students and is available for advice and assistance
 on any matter. There are 14 Hall groups across the college, which are the focus for many charitable, voluntary and social activities. Being a member of a Hall provides every student with the opportunity to fully participate and even direct and lead life at Loreto.

Personal Tutor

You will belong to a group of students who meet their tutor every day. If you have any concerns – inside or outside the classroom – feel free to discuss them with your tutor.

Career Guidance

You will be encouraged to work with our careers staff to help you decide on the best course for your future. Advisors are available for individual appointments, and career, employment and apprenticeship opportunities can be researched by computer and by using the careers library, which also provides up-to-date higher education prospectuses. Parents are invited to attend a higher education conference explaining 
the application process. University and college admissions tutors regularly visit Loreto and students are given the opportunity to visit various universities. Advice and support is available to students considering taking a gap year and there are organised talks throughout the year from a variety of gap year organisations.


We pride ourselves on the extensive support we provide for the wellbeing our students. We want you to be happy and successful during your time with us, helping to prepare you for your chosen path. The support is not only related to your studies but also to your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Every student is assigned to a tutor group at the start of their first year. You will meet with your tutor twice a week and they will support you during both of your years with us in College. If you have any concerns – inside or outside the classroom – feel free to discuss them with your tutor. 

Additional Learning Support

At Loreto we support a whole range of students with specific learning differences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ASD, as well as students with hearing impairments, visual impairments and mobility issues. Our support can range from in class support, weekly one-to-one sessions, mentoring, loan of equipment and Exam Access Arrangements.

Study Skills

The jump from GCSE to Level 3 courses can sometimes leave students feeling anxious and at times they may feel that they would like a helping hand.

The study skills department aims to facilitate students in reaching their true potential by helping them with time management, essay writing techniques, organisation of notes, revision strategies and building confidence and self- esteem.


The Chaplaincy is a space for all students at Loreto, whether you’re striving for a better world; need a break from the hustle and bustle of life; want to make time for God and the spiritual in your life; need someone to chat to if you’re having any difficulties; or if you just need a quiet space to go to reflect.

Lots of students get involved in chaplaincy throughout the year, there are lots of groups and trips that you can join or come along to that can help you flourish, and become the person you’re meant to be. Each year they change, depending on what students are interested in, but below is a selection of the groups and trips that take place:

  • Fairtrade shop
  • Trip to Taize in the south of France
  • Tea and biscuits each break!
  • Student Chaplaincy Reps
  • Lourdes pilgrimage
  • Retreats

As well as the trips and groups, we have Mass each Thursday lunch time, regular liturgies and prayer times, and always look for ways to allow all students to get involved in the liturgical seasons throughout the year!

Religious Education

At Loreto students follow a programme of Religious Education. Discussions will encourage you to explore your beliefs and values, and to ask questions about anything and everything. Topics covered include prejudice and discrimination, moral issues, relationships and different world religions and cultures.

Every year you are provided the opportunity to take part in Mary Ward Day. On this day there is a wide range of activities to choose from and something to cater for all tastes. Each activity is based on one of the seven values of Mary Ward which lie at the heart of Loreto College; Justice, Truth, Joy, Sincerity, Freedom, Internationality and Excellence. Mary Ward Day provides the opportunity to experience these values in a practical and enjoyable way.


Loreto’s Safeguarding Policy recognises the duty of care Loreto has to help ensure the safety and welfare of all our students and staff.

The policy aims to:

  • Embed a positive safeguarding culture which allows the growth and learning of all in a safe and secure environment.
  • Promote the training and development of staff, within the workplace and learning environment, to be alert to the possibility of safeguarding incidents and how to deal with these.
  • At all times act with justice, compassion and respect for the dignity and worth of all members of the college community, whilst at the same time acting in accordance with the college’s legal safeguarding responsibilities.

The Governing Body is actively involved in safeguarding training and receives regular updates on safeguarding practices across the college.

The College’s Safeguarding Policy can be found here.


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