Loreto Women’s Volleyball Team book a place at the National Championships

Loreto’s volleyball teams competed in this year’s AoC Regional Finals. They faced Xaverian College, which always provokes a fun rivalry between the region’s top two colleges for volleyball. Loreto Women’s team (pictured) had won one game and the men lost two. Despite Xaverian winning 2 sets, the Loreto Men’s team played with great intensity (and limited practice) but still managed to push a very talented team to the end. Loreto Women won the first set with confidence: 25-11. This spurred them on to complete the mission and become AoC 2023 Regional Championships! The stand out plays from Kenechi and Daisy sealed the deal, National Championship qualification.

The National Championships in Nottingham, are a celebration of competitive sport in colleges. It provides recognition, enjoyment and a unique opportunity for students to compete. Last year, around 2000 college students took part, which made it the largest annual student sporting event in Europe.

Congratulations to all players for making it to the finals. Best of luck to the women in the National Champions.


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