Loreto was pretty in pink for the last friday of term to raise money for Breast Cancer Care. Staff and students from across campus dressed in pink outfits, baked (and ate) pink cakes and even had their hair sprayed pink and faces painted too. The charity fundraising didn’t stop there! The foyer of Ellis and Kennedy building became a pop-up concert featuring the staff ukulele band with a rendition of ‘true colours’, the student jazz band played the pink panther theme, the choir sang hits by pink and the cast of Legally Blonde (this year’s college musical) in their pink legally blonde t-shirts performed songs from the show ahead of the December production.

Loreto’s community shone through for the whole day, so many people took part and contributed to raise money (and awareness) for breast cancer care. The collection buckets were full to the brim raising a whopping £1200 for the charity.

Thank you to all for taking part and if you were on a bus with students or staff from Loreto with pink hair, now you know why!

If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on our Just Giving page:  www.justgiving.com/fundraising/pinkmusicpinkhair

For more information on how you can help raise money go to to their website  breastcancercare.org.uk



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