Loreto musicians celebrate Christmas

2015 drew to a close with two traditional seasonal events which saw Loreto’s musicians take centre stage. Christmas Mass at the ‘Hidden Gem’ in Manchester provides our choristers and instrumentalists with the opportunity to perform in one of the city’s

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Social Justice Group- Festive Coffee & Cake Morning

Student Alexandra Plummer writes: The Social Justice group recently hosted a festive coffee and cake morning in Chaplaincy. We invited nearby elderly residents from “The Little Sisters of the Poor”. We invited them as elderly people are especially vulnerable to

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Presentation of Prizes and Certificates

The Great Hall at Manchester Town Hall was once again the venue for our annual presentation evening. Unlike in previous years the rain held off as our guests made their way through the Christmas market in Albert Square to take

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Guys and Dolls

Something of the glitz and glamour of Broadway came to Hulme in December with the college production of perennial favourite Guys and Dolls. Described as a ‘musical fable’ Swerling’s and Burrows’ musical, with music and lyrics by Frank Loesser, leans

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Bums on seats

Students looking for somewhere to rest their weary limbs during breaks and lunchtime sessions now have the opportunity to not just sit down on any old bench but to place their posteriors on works of art created by students at

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Christmas Party for Mary & Joseph House

Students and staff have been sharing the joy of Christmas by hosting Loreto’s annual seasonal party for the residents of Mary and Joseph House, Ancoats. Our guests were treated to a traditional Christmas meal cooked by Loreto catering staff and

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AS Art students work with creative designer

A/S Art, Craft and Design students were treated to a collage workshop run by Helen Hallows. Helen is a mixed media artist /designer from Nottingham who specialises in experimenting with different media and stitch. Her work is published as cards

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Shakespeare in the city

The darkening days of Winter saw the return of the eagerly anticipated MANCEP Shakespeare Festival. This collaborative enterprise is designed to showcase the talents of our young people in inner city schools and colleges, as they attempt the challenging task

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Loreto Philosophy Society

The Loreto Philosophy Society’s first talk of the year was led by our own Head of RE and Theology, Mr Vaughan, speaking on the ‘Use and Misuse of the Bible’. A key theme of the talk was how a strict

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Former student returns to college

Upper and lower sixth Chemistry students gave a warm welcome to ex-Loreto student Nasir Ahmad, who had been invited back to college to deliver a presentation on studying Chemistry at degree level. Nasir, who is studying at Manchester University, gave

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Renowned human rights campaigner and broadcaster visits college

Loreto is keen to promote teaching and learning beyond the bounds of the traditional classroom setting and we are fortunate to be able to welcome a wide range of guest speakers and presenters from all areas of academic and creative

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Outstanding performances at Bar National Mock Trial Competition

Fifteen Loreto students took part in the regional heat of the Bar National Mock Trial competition in November at Manchester Crown Court. The competition sees students take on the roles of barristers, witnesses, court clerk, usher and jurors as they

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St Cecilia Concerto Competition & Loreto Composition Prize

This autumn saw the culmination of the two prestigious music competitions held at Loreto. The Music Department runs two competitions, the St Cecilia Concerto Competition, for virtuosic instrumentalists, and the Loreto Composition Prize, for aspiring composers. The final of the

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Sociology trip to Paris

Twenty four Sociology students visited Paris for three days in October and it was such a resounding success that we are already planning for 2016! We kicked off our visit with an evening jaunt to the tower at Montparnasse, which

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Whether you’d like to admit it or not, knitting is a past time many of us enjoy. Relaxing and easy to get the hang of, knitting is more commonly something the older generation likes to indulge in; but it’s not

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LAMDA Workshop with Upper Sixth Students

Nathan and Rhiannon, from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA), visited Loreto to lead a workshop on technique and building a character entitled ‘What moves me?’ The work linked the emotional to the physical and students took

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