Freshers’ Fair draws the crowds

Loreto might not be a university but there are elements of university life to which we try to introduce students during their time with us: one such is the annual Freshers’ Fair at the beginning of term in September. This

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Stunning Results 2015!

The college is celebrating another set of magnificent examination results. Excited students and staff are delighted at the achievements across A-level and vocational courses. Highlights include a 99% pass rate at A level, with an impressive 24% at grades A*

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Year 11 Medics Day

Getting to grips with rat dissection Over one hundred excited, but rather nervous, Year 11 pupils, fresh from their GCSE examinations and representing over twenty different high schools, descended on Loreto College recently for the annual Medics’ Conference. Many discovered

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Thackray Museum

Tried and tested A coach load of aspiring doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives and pharmacists set forth from Loreto College across the Pennines to visit the Thackray Museum in Leeds. Students from Advanced and BTEC courses were treated to an interesting

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Textile Design students visit V&A

Textile Design students enjoyed a spectacular finish to the year with a visit to the blockbuster Alexander McQueen ‘Savage Beauty’ exhibition at the V&A Museum, London. In the exhibition space, students were lead through a maze of dimly lit rooms

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Science on Stage June 2015 – Loreto science projects commended

An international Steering Committee chose two projects from Loreto College to represent the ‘ UK Innovation in Science Teaching’ category in the Science on Stage Europe Festival during 17-20th June at Queen Mary’s University, London. This provides a European platform

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School Physicist of the Year 2015

Selecting only three physics students to put forward for the Ogden Trust’s School Physicist of the Year was a hard task given this year’s strong AS cohort. After much deliberation, the original list was whittled down to Noah Robinson, Georgia

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Royal Society of Chemistry Schools’ Analyst Competition

The Schools’ Analyst Competition is a national competition run by the RSC’s Analytical Division. Teams are required to undertake various practical analytical determinations based on problems relevant to industrial or social needs. These are judged for skill, understanding and accuracy

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Physics Experience Day at Lancaster University

Twenty students from AS physics ventured north to Lancaster University for a Physics Experience Day. Lancaster University physics department is rated second in the UK in the Guardian university league table. Students from Loreto heard about current research into the

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National Women in Engineering Day

Loreto Physics Department celebrated National Women in Engineering Day, 23rd June, by attending a fascinating informal networking morning at JACOBS Engineering Consultancy. JACOBS is one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of technical and management services. They offer

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British Physics Olympiad AS Challenge

Over forty AS physics students sat the British Physics Olympiad AS Challenge. Students prepared for the challenge in their AS Supplementary Extra lessons and in their own time. We are delighted that one student achieved Silver, three students achieved Bronze

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Sociologists visit London

Twenty Sociology students visited London for three days and two nights during the summer term and it was such a resounding success that we are already planning for 2016! We kicked off our visit with an afternoon at the London

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Duke of Edinburgh success

It has been another successful year for Duke of Edinburgh students at Loreto. Twenty seven upper sixth students have successfully completed their Gold Award this year and are looking forward to a trip to St James’ Palace in London to receive

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