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ESFA 16-19 Bursary Scam email

We have become aware of a letter and / or email being sent to some parents that is suggested to come from the ESFA (the Education and Skills Funding Agency) which requests personal information (including bank account details) relating to the 16-19 Bursary.

Please be aware that this is a scam.

 The ESFA have advised that they would never ask for such personal information and have warned anyone who receives such a letter or email not to reply.

BTEC Update

Ofqual have issued an update on the awarding of grades for those students awaiting BTEC Level 2 and Level 3 results. The aim is to treat such qualifications in the same way as GCSEs, AS and A levels, with students receiving a calculated result. This result will be based on a range of evidence including completed units from prior to lockdown or those that were well underway at the point of lockdown and which have since been completed.

The aim is to complete this process within the same timescale so that results are issued at the same time as A levels.

3rd April – AS, A Levels and GCSE grading update

The government has, on 3rd April, published further details of how they intend for students’ grades in A levels, AS levels and GCSE qualifications for 2020 to be awarded. The College is working with the exam boards regarding this process. At this time there is no further guidance on vocational qualifications including BTECs.

The Department for Education has published this below message to students: Letter to students – Summer 2020 grading

We encourage all students and parent/carers to read this information. This outlines that the college will be asked to ‘consider a range of things like [students’] classwork and homework; [students’] results in assignments and any mock exams; any non-exam assessment or coursework [students] might have done; and [students’] general progress during [their] course.’

The College will be asked to submit predictions, which the exam boards will then use, along with their own calculations, to formulate and award grades to students. As stated in the guidance from the Department for Education, schools and college will not be permitted to share the grades submitted by them to the exam boards.

We understand that some students and their families will feel anxious during this period of uncertainty, we would reassure students and parents/carers that the College will seek to act fairly in order to ensure that all students’ work and progress during their time at the College is recognised. The College will follow all Department for Education’s advice including that: ‘Where illness or other personal circumstances might have affected performance in mock exams, centres should bear that in mind when making their judgements.’

If students have any particular concern that they wish to discuss they can contact their Head of Hall via email.

Mrs Pritchard

Deputy Principal


Additional Information:

Please read the open letter from Vicky Ford MP – Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children

& Families

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