Entry requirements

Click the button to read our faculty brochure or read more about the course below:

  • Six GCSEs 9-4 (or A*-C)
  • Two from English, Maths OR Science
  • Two at least grade 6

What is Applied Science?

BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Science is two year course equivalent to 1 A level. It is suitable for students who are interested in learning about science through a specialised, work-related vocational qualification.

Exam board: PEARSON

What Will I Study?

Over the two year course you will study 4 units:

Unit 1:Principles and Applications of Science 

Scientists working in science and science-related organisations must have a good understanding of core science concepts. The topic areas covered in this unit include: animal and plant cells; tissues; atomic structure and bonding; chemical and physical properties of substances related to their uses; waves and their application in communications. 

Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques 

This unit introduces you to standard laboratory equipment and techniques, including titration, colorimetry, calorimetry, chromatography, calibration procedures and laboratory safety. 

Unit 3: Science Investigation Skills 

Advancement in science and technology has produced great benefits for society. This advancement depends on research and investigative approaches in science and technology. In research,  development, analytical and industrial laboratories, laboratory technicians and scientists are  employed to safely carry out practical investigations. 

Unit 11: Genetics and Genetic Engineering 

Massive advances in DNA technology over the last 30 years have driven genetics forward at an  extraordinary rate, creating enormous potential for future applications. This unit will allow you to  develop a deeper practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding of genetics, and modern  genetic engineering techniques and their uses.  

Assessment method:

Unit 1: 3 x 40 minutes written exams (25%)

Unit 3: Written exam 2hrs 15 minutes (33%)

Two Units: Coursework assessed (42%)



This qualification gives you the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes for a successful careers in the science and related industries. There is also a large amount of practical work in this subject which will enable you to develop your laboratory skills and work safely and accurately in a work-based environment.


Whilst many students go onto university to study science-based courses, potential careers destinations include:

  • Working in a hospital as a medical technician supporting specialists
  • Working as a quality control technician in a laboratory
  • Working in a research laboratory on, for example, the development of a new pharmaceutical substance. This could include setting up apparatus, measuring and handling chemical substances, following procedures, making observations, separating and analysing products
  • Working in a forensic sciences laboratory on the analysis of samples
  • Working in a biotechnology company carrying out procedures such as fermentation


Frequently asked questions

What could you do with this course?

This course offers lots of possible progression routes, such as lots of degree opportunities or level 3 apprenticeships. Degree options include Biomedical Science, Audiology, Podiatry and lots of other NHS based degree opportunities. Former students have also gone onto degrees in Constructions, Quantity Surveying and Computer Science. Some former students have gone onto various level 3 apprenticeships.

What are the advantages of BTEC Science?

You will be supported by expert teachers who are friendly and knowledgeable. You will be able to look and investigate current scientific issues and relate them to scientific theory. This course will be assessed by both coursework and examinations. You will have the opportunity to resit exams and be able to improve coursework.

What are the career opportunities with this course?

There are lots of opportunities such as loads of medical NHS based careers, such as Perfusionist or Associate Physicain/Practitioner. This course can also lead to a wide range of scientific careers, such as Biochemist, Biomedical scientist or a role in Product Development. This course will also fit in with a wide range of other level 3 courses, and could lead to other degree and career opportunities.

What content will the course cover?

This course is split into 4 modules which covers aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The course will also involve maths for scientists. The course is also underpinned with important practical work.

What will you do in lessons?

You will do a wide range of activities to help you learn the subject content. This will be through booklets, practicals, and scientific research.

Where do the lessons take place?

You will study applied science in fully equipped purpose-built laboratories and computer suites.

Why should you study this course?

This is an amazing course for students that love all aspects of science and love to practical based learning. It will lead to lots of different routes to various careers.

Who will you be taught by?

You will be taught by enthusiastic professional teachers, who all have a love of science. Some of your teachers have worked in lots of different scientific workplaces and can share these experiences with you.

What do you need to do to be successful in this course?

You need to be an organized enthusiastic student, who, most importantly, loves science.

What support will students receive on this course?

You will be supported by a dedicated team of teachers. They will be able to support you both in real-time and electronically. In Applied Science we ensure that all students are thoroughly supported to help meet their full potential.