A Level Business
- Are you excited about the potential to shape your own future and explore diverse career opportunities in areas like management, consulting, marketing, or even starting your own successful business venture?
- Do you want to develop practical skills that can be applied to real-world scenarios, such as analyzing market trends, creating effective marketing strategies, and making informed business decisions?
Business is an exciting dynamic subject that involves studying how and why business decisions are made. You will explore the main functions of a business (such as finance, human resources and marketing) and look at how businesses might be affected by the external environment. It is one of the most varied and interesting subjects available and is very well regarded by both employers and universities. Business would be a great course choice for any student considering a professional career or running a business.
Exam board: EDUQAS
Component 1: Business Opportunities and Functions
Percentage of total marks: 33.33%
Method of assessment 2 hour 15 minutes written exam
Section A – compulsory short-answer questions
Section B – compulsory data response questions
To assess Business Opportunities and Business Functions
Compulsory data response and structured questions
Component 2: Business Analysis and Strategy
Percentage of total marks: 33.33%
Method of assessment 2 hour 15 minutes written exam
To assess business strategy and analytical techniques used in
the business decision-making process. The subject content in
Component 1 will underpin the context for Business Analysis
and Strategy
Component 3: Business In a changing World
Percentage of total marks: 33.33%
Method of assessment 2 hour 15 minutes written exam
Section A – compulsory questions based on a case study
Section B – one synoptic essay from a choice of three
To assess all of the A level subject content
You will develop an understanding of how organizations operate and will develop strong oral and written communication skills. In addition, you will develop analytical and critical thinking skills; problem solving; decision making; logical thinking; presentation and report writing skills. 10% of the course is quantitative, so numerical skills are developed throughout the course.
Our students often progress to careers in business management, accounting and finance, marketing and advertising, the financial services, public relations or management consultancy.
Many of our students go on to study Business related courses at degree level. Institutions such as The University of Manchester, The University of Leeds, The University of Liverpool and Lancaster Universities are common choices.
Is there any coursework for this subject?
In the Business department, we offer two courses: Applied and A Level Business. For A level Business, there is no coursework and for CTEC Applied Business it is a mix of coursework and exams.
I didn’t take GCSE Business; can I still study it at A Level?
Yes! Most of our students at A Level have never studied Business before – maybe because it wasn’t offered at their school. This is fine! We assume you have no prior knowledge of Business and start right at the beginning with such knowledge as ‘What is a business?’ and ‘what are the key characteristics of an entrepreneur?’
Is the course right for me?
You need a genuine interest in businesses and the world outside of education. You need to be able to work individually or in groups to research into or discuss a particular business situation, questioning at every opportunity. Business complements all subjects because every student will be an employee at some point, whether as an engineer, a dancer etc, so will benefit from learning more about businesses.
What other subjects are good with Business?
A level Business is suitable to take with a wide variety of other A levels and / or BTECs. We attract many students who also take Sociology, Psychology, Law, Economics or Accounting but also a lot that take Maths or even creative subjects such as Textiles! For some, they feel it is complementing their current subject choice and may aid their university choice and for others they take the subject because it is a little different to the other subjects they are
studying. In the end, we recommend to students that they take the subjects that they think they will enjoy!
Where could studying Business take me?
A level Business covers a broad range of topics. Many of our students go on to study Business at university. Business graduates work in various fields, such as advertising, public relations, accounting, banking, finance, Human resource management and many more. Even if entering a different field, employers will appreciate that you have a good idea of how a company works due to studying A Level Business, which should put you in an excellent
position to be a top candidate for the job. Apprenticeships (including degree level apprenticeships) are is another area where A Level Business students can be successful.
Is A Level/Applied Business similar to GCSE?
A lot of the content that you may have studied in GCSE Business will also be covered in the first year of A Level Business – but in a lot more detail and depth! There is a lot more focus on analysis and evaluation skills in A Level business. In the second year, the course gets broader with an international focus including topics such as strategy, change management and contingency planning. There will be loads more content covered! The key assessment objectives focus more on analysis and evaluation as the two years progress as well.
Do you have any trips?
Yes, normally in Business we have a wide range of extracurricular activities including enterprise events and competitions, trips to local and national businesses, residential trips and speakers from the world of Business and Higher Education.
Is there much writing for this subject?
In Business, there is a mix between short answer questions (e.g. definitions) and longer, extended answers (e.g. 12 mark evaluation questions). The final paper also includes a 10 and 20-mark essay. In class, we will guide you through how to structure the answers to the types of questions you could expect in your exams, with special focus on command words and assessment objectives.
Is there much Maths in this subject?
In Business, students will be required to perform basic calculations of things such as a percentage change or a firms level of profit this will make up a minimum of 10% of the overall A level marks. We will offer support to any student who feels they need additional support with numerical aspects of the course.
What support is available in the department?
In Business, we have a large team of highly supportive staff, we have dedicated student support sessions as well as drop in sessions where students can seek additional help. In addition, we have tailored course materials and assessments so students can track their own progress.