Award Winning Careers Service
We pride ourselves on our responsive and effective support network. Your son/daughter will be given help and encouragement at every stage of their career at Loreto.
In this section you will find links to helpful information for parents/carers.
If you have any queries or concerns college staff will be more than willing to help. For general enquires please speak to a member of the office staff. For issues relating specifically to your son/daughter please ask to speak to their Head of Hall.

This includes
- 1:1 careers appointments with our careers advisors
- University Talks
- Medics meetings for aspiring doctors, dentists and vets with talks and presentations to prepare students for their application to University
- Volunteering opportunities
- The Apprenticeship Club
- Twice weekly careers advice drop-ins
- University Access programmes advice and talks
- UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) tutorials and support
- Personal statement workshops and 1:1 support
- Departmental Careers events
- Access to e-mail updates on weekly talks and local opportunities
- A wide range of taught tutorials on everything from CV writing to Student Finance Support
- Mentoring opportunities
- Unifrog platform
- The College’s annual Careers Fair and Work Experience Day
- The College careers library

Support in College
We offer a range of support in college for students to enable them to make good career decisions and be prepared for Higher Education and working life.
This includes support with UCAS and Apprenticeship applications and personal statements, interview preparation, CV writing, Employability skills, presentation skills, exploring the labour market, appropriate use of social media and identifying live vacancies and opportunities.
This is delivered through the tutorial system, assemblies; specific software packages in house workshops one to one meetings, presentations and Apprenticeship Club.
We work to ensure that all young people are able to develop the skills needed to achieve paid employment, skills of independence and develop themselves beyond the classroom in preparation for adulthood so that they are able to become active members of their community.

Work experience and contact with employers
Employers come into the college to our Careers fair and throughout the year to inspire and encourage students to have high aspirations.
Work experience opportunities are actively promoted to students, as such, we are able to support students to make successful applications to many competitive and prestigious work experience opportunities. The college supports a range of programme where students are linked with mentors including Million Mentors, Social Mobility Foundation, GM Higher and Teach First Futures.
Contact: [email protected]
Careers Manager: Mrs Cross – 0161 226 5156
Careers Events at Loreto
Every year we host over 150 Careers related events at Loreto College including talks, workshops and visits with many more opportunities being promoted through weekly careers bulletins and emails. Many of these are organised by individual departments so that students can see what opportunities are opened up to them by the subjects they are studying and more generic events directly by the careers department. These involve personnel from Universities, apprenticeship providers and employers.
The highlight of the year is the annual College Careers Fair in April with over 100 exhibitors including universities, employers and apprenticeship providers. All students are able to visit and discuss their options with a wide range of providers. Work Experience Day is arranged for L6 students in June to enable all students to gain experience of the workplace and to foster the skills needed for employment.
A Parents’ conference is held in the summer term to inform parents about university, apprenticeship and career options, student finance and the support offered in college.

Award-winning careers advice
We are delighted to have been awarded the full Quality in Careers Standard Award. The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning. It fully complies with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance. We are very proud that our compliance with the eight Gatsby benchmarks for best careers provision has been recognised nationally. Click here for more information.

One-to-One careers advice
One-to-one careers advice in College is provided by our Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor, Mr Pritchard. Students can book an appointment through myLoreto or by calling into the careers area, which is opposite reception in Ball Building.
Mr Pritchard can be contacted at [email protected].
Further details can be found in Loreto Weekly, Careers Weekly and via your College email inbox.

Opportunities for Providers
Loreto College takes seriously the responsibility to support our students in making choices that are based on their skills, interests and aspirations. In addition to our ever increasing links with a range of universities and employers. Loreto College’s Careers department are keen to welcome visits from other institutions including University Technical Colleges, FE colleges, Apprenticeship Providers and New Institutes of Technology.
If you are a university, employer or other provider and would like to be involved with arranging a visit to the college we would encourage you to get in touch.
Please do not hesitate to contact: [email protected]
Details can be found here.
There are a range of events, integrated into the college careers programme which offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers. A more detailed outline of the opportunities that are provided for students can be found above.

Meet the Team
(left to right)
Mrs Cross – Careers Manager
Mr Pritchard – L6 Careers Advisor
Miss Riley and Miss Anwar – Careers Events Organisers and Administrators