Starting at Loreto

When is enrolment at Loreto for 2024-2025?

On GCSE results day (22nd August) you can complete the online enrolment stage. You will then attend a course advice enrolment appointment in the week commencing 26th August 2024. You do not need to contact us on results day, any information can be shared with us at your appointment. You will receive a letter this summer with your enrolment date. If you are unable to attend on this date, do not worry, you still have your place. Just let us know and we can arrange an alternative date to complete your enrolment

If I don’t get the grades I need for the subjects I want to study, will I lose my place at Loreto?

No, you still have your place at Loreto College. If your results aren’t quite what you hoped for, you can discuss your course options with our team of course advisors during enrolment.

Do I have to come into college to enrol or can I do it online?

Although you can do some of the enrolment process online, you will still have to complete the process in person. You will receive a letter which outlines when you should come in and what time. You’ll also get to meet your Head of Hall and a course advisor.

Can I do a BTEC or vocational course with A Levels?

You might choose to study A Levels, a full time BTEC course or a mixture of A Levels and vocational courses. Your course/s will depend on your interests, your intended career path, your GCSE results and on how you prefer to be assessed. Our experienced course advisor team can talk you through all of the options at enrolment.

Can I change what courses I want to study during enrolment?

Yes, you can discuss this with your course advisor.

Apart from my GCSE results, do I have to bring anything else with me when I enrol?

Please make sure you bring your enrolment letter with you. If you wish to enrol on to an art course, but have not studied an Art GCSE, then please bring some of your art work with you.

Can we do AS Levels at Loreto?

We do not offer AS levels at Loreto. We do offer the Extended Project Qualifcation (EPQ) which is equivalent to an AS level and can be studied alongside 3 A Levels. You can find out more at enrolment.

Can I study 4 A Levels?

Some students do opt for 4 A Levels. Most students take 3 A Levels (some choose an EPQ in addition). The course advisors can provide the best advice for you at enrolment.

When can I apply for the EPQ course?

The EPQ course starts towards the end of your Lower Sixth year and is completed in Upper Sixth. As this is an additional qualification requiring significant commitment, EPQs are recommended to students who, in agreement with their subject teachers and Head of Hall, have achieved strong academic success during their first year of study.

When do I get my timetable?

You’ll be given your timetable after enrolment, before classes begin in September.

Can I re-sit my GCSEs at Loreto?

Loreto offers GCSE re-sits in English Language and Maths to students who have not yet achieved a Grade 4 or higher. This is a Government requirement. Loreto students perform very well on these courses. We do not other any other GCSE resits.

I’ve been offered a place at more than one college, what should I do?

The decision is entirely yours to make. Take your time to make up your mind; discuss it with family, trusted friends and college staff. You have to make the right decision for yourself and no one is in a better position to do that than you.

Life at College

What is the structure of the college timetable?

The College day is 9am to 4pm. Most students will have two double lessons per academic subject per week, in addition to two sessions of Tutorial and one lesson per week of Core RE. You can also choose from a wide range of enrichment activities, which are a fantastic way to develop skills and meet new friends. Attendance to all timetabled lessons is compulsory. All students also have study periods on their timetable to use for homework, revision or research; you can choose to study at home or make use of our fantastic study facilities in College.

Does Loreto College offer remote learning?

No, we do not offer remote or offsite learning. All Loreto students are expected to attend all lessons on site.

Is there a dress code at Loreto?

The College welcomes the variety of appearance brought by individual styles and choices. The wearing of items arising from particular cultural/religious norms (including, for example, saris, turbans, skullcaps, hijabs and kippahs) is seen as part of this welcome diversity.
Loreto College is a place of work for students. We do not insist on any particular dress for employees or students, except where there are health and safety or security concerns, or where a job or placement requires a uniform or protective clothing to be worn.
Clothing obscuring an individual’s face is not allowed on the college campus, except when required for health and safety or work-related reasons. To help ensure identification, employees, students and visitors must not wear clothing in such a way that it obscures the face, this includes items such as, but not limited to, face snoods, niqabs, balaclavas, face masks* etc.
Full details of Loreto’s Statement on Dress can be found on our website.
*Medical face masks will be permitted with evidence of requirement from a medical professional.

Should I have done some studying during the summer holidays in preparation for my A Level course?

No, but any work you have done will only be to your benefit. If you are looking to do some prep work, all course pages specify the exam board specification they follow.

Are Halls the same as forms or tutor groups?

Tutor groups are small groups of around 20-24 students, each with its own form tutor. Around 12-13 tutor groups then go to make up a Hall. There are 14 Halls in total, each led by a Head of Hall.

What support is available to me at Loreto?

As well as brilliant support from your subject teachers, all students have a Tutor who they see twice a week and a Head of Hall who they can go to for an advice or support. Students can also access support from our College Counsellors, Safeguarding and Wellbeing teams, Chaplaincy Team and the Additional Learning Support department.

How often do you have Parents’ Evenings?

We host two parents' evening per year for each year group. Parents' evening appointments take place online and are a great way to keep your parents/carers updated with all of your work and progress.

Can we buy our lunch at College or do we have to bring our own?

There are food outlets on campus where you can buy your lunch or you can bring your own. We also have excellent local food vendors in the local community too.

Are textbooks provided or do we have to buy our own?

Not all subjects require textbooks; where they are needed, College will provide them for you.

Do I need to bring my own stationery (paper, pens etc.)?

Yes. We will provide you with an A4 lever arch file or notebook for each of your subjects. Students should provide their own pens and other equipment.

Can I be given extra time in exams?

Any students who may be eligible for extra time or other access arrangements will be supported by our Additional Learning Support Team, who need to ensure we have the evidence required. If you received extra time at school, please tell us at enrolment so that we can ensure we have the information we need to apply for this again where apprioriate.

How many students are there in a class?

22 students is the average class size

Do you help students apply to university?

Yes! You will receive lots of support in our Careers Tutorials during your time at Loreto, including sessions on how to apply through UCAS and how to write a good personal statement. Your Head of Hall will also support you througohut the application process. We also have a dedicated team of staff who are highly experienced in supporting students through the rigorous application process required to secure a place on extremely competitive courses for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciece and for Oxford and Cambridge. We also support students who choose other paths after their time at Loreto, such as apprenticeships and employment.

I’m thinking of getting a part time job while I’m at College. Is this a good idea?

Although having a part time job is a good way of gaining excellent skills, you have to remember that you are now be a full-time student and you’ll be very busy with your studies, which should really take priority. Research shows that working part-time for more than 8 hours a week can result in lower grades. It’s all about balance.

Does Loreto have a place where I can pray?

Yes, we do have dedicated spaces for prayer across the campus, including our beautiful Chapel and prayer room. These are sacred spaces that should be used respectfully and appropriately. We are keen to support students in their religious practice, but do remind all students that commitment to prayer must take place outside of lesson times.

Will I be able to have access to lessons and worksheets online?

Yes. We use myLoreto (a specially deisgned online system) and each department also has a SharePoint where you can access all departmental resources, You can also access an online mark book to keep track of your progress.

I get anxious and stressed at times, is there anyone at college who I can talk to about it?

Yes, we have Mental Health First Aid trained staff and counsellors available to offer support. Loreto College is also affiliated to a number of external agencies who can offer help and advice too.

Can I get any help with the cost of attending college?

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for the 16 – 19 Bursary and/or Free College Meals. Should your family’s circumstances change, students can apply for the bursary or free college meals at any point throughout the academic year.

Public Transport to and from College

Are there any College buses?

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) run the following buses to Loreto College:

Service 742: Burnage - Heaton Chapel - Levenshulme - Longsight - Loreto College
Service 743: Heald Green - Gatley - Northenden - Didsbury - Withington - Loreto College
Service 744: Eccles - Monton Green - Patricroft - Stretford - Loreto College
Service 745: Walkden - Swinton - Pendlebury - Irlams o' th' Height - Pendleton - Loreto College

A link to timetables for the listed college bus services can be found below.

Where do I apply for my bus pass? Is OurPass still available? What about college buses?

For all up to date information about buses, tickets and passes, visit Transport for Greater Manchester, there's a link below alongside other links to useful travel information.

What other buses services can I use to travel to College?

There are a number of bus services that operate close to the College. Click on the Transport for Greater Manchester link below and open the Commercial bus services to see the list of buses.

Are there any travel passes available?

Our Pass - free bus travel for 16-18 year olds who live in Greater Manchester. You will need to apply online and there is a one-off £10 fee to pay. The pass also allows you to get half-price off peak 1 day and weekend travelcards on Metrolink.

Scholar's Permit - child fares for 16-19 year olds travelling to and from college. If you apply for this pass you will need your passport sized colour photo of yourself to have the Loreto College stamp on the back. Just bring the photo to College reception and we can do that for you.

Links to Our Pass and Scholar's Permit can be found below.

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