The Loreto Theology department was privileged to host the annual Liverpool Hope Formation Conference this year. Liverpool Hope specialises in the study of Theology and Religious Studies and the Loreto Theology department has worked in partnership with them for the last couple of years. Two specialist lecturers delivered fascinating talks on key areas of our subject. Dr Duane Williams focused on the ethical theory Utilitarianism, giving unique insights into the theory and engaging the students in some healthy debate. Dr Patrice Haynes covered the difficult issue of the Problem of Evil, which had students captivated. Our students demonstrated great maturity and intelligence in the way they responded to questions and debated these fascinating issues.

The Theology department has enrolled record numbers of students over the last couple of years and we think it is important to give our students an experience of our subject at a higher level. Not only does this help them in their exam work but it also helps inspire them to aim higher and gives a flavour of what study at university will be like.


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