What a great celebration of International Women’s Day 2019  we had at Loreto College. There were so many activities throughout the day, including a board in Reception where students shared thoughts about the inspirational women in their lives. The ‘Women Who Inspire Me’ sheets written by our students included famous people, but so many mums, nans, sisters, coaches, teachers, friends…showing everyone can inspire the lives of others.

Staff and students were encouraged to pose for photos with different statements talking about how we can become a more balanced society, and these were posted on Twitter. The Loreto College Twitter account, at every hour of the college day, beginning at 9am, posted a picture of, and information about, an influential woman connected to Loreto College in some way and who has supported the IWD theme of #BalanceforBetter in some way through their work.

The Fairtrade group also ran their Fairtrade Fortnight stall, but whilst doing so encouraged students to sign up and get involved with the ‘She Deserves’ campaign, petitioning our government to make sure our trade with developing countries puts the reduction of poverty at its heart, delivering living incomes for all, and most especially women.


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