Loreto was privileged recently to be able to host the Lee House exhibition, Journey to Sanctuary.
Journey to Sanctuary tells the story of a refugee who has had to flee her own country in search of sanctuary. Walking through the exhibition, with a headset to listen to, participants are taken on her journey through a war zone, a refugee camp, travelling on the back of a truck, through immigration and holding centres, a bed-sit and finally starting a new life in a new country.
The aim of the exhibition is to develop understanding, compassion and empathy for people who have been forced to leave their homes, families and communities. Students came down to the exhibit in Ball Theatre during their General RE lessons and over 800 staff and students were able to experience the exhibition during its week at Loreto.
The feedback was overwhelmingly positive from staff and students with Journey to Sanctuary being described as, ‘eye opening’, ‘enlightening’ and ‘emotional’. Reflecting on their experience one Upper Sixth student said, ‘What an experience – a good experience. It was interesting to follow the same person’s journey all the way through.’ Another student from Lower Sixth commented, ‘It’s so emotional, I could hear the emotions. I felt like I was on the journey with her!’
What a powerful experience Journey to Sanctuary was for our college community.