Pope Francis has designated 2016 as the Year of Mercy and the work of the Chaplaincy at Loreto will reflect this. The Lenten theme is ‘mercy’ and there will be daily tutorial resources, a thought for the day on the eSigns and prayer stations throughout Lent. Student Ellen McGovern attended the celebration mass at Salford Cathedral, held to mark the opening of the year of mercy. Ellen writes:

Bishop-John-Holy-Door-Year-of-Mercy“I was invited to Salford Cathedral to a celebration mass for the opening of the Year of Mercy, which was also being celebrated at the same time at the Vatican in Rome. Bishop John led the mass, teaching the students about the importance of mercy and how we can show mercy to others in our everyday lives.

Students from one college had created their own door of mercy, a symbol of God’s invitation to join him on his journey of celebrating mercy. This will be travelling around schools and colleges within the diocese allowing anyone who wishes to pass through. Many students from primary schools, high schools and colleges attended (one of which provided music for the day). We were all able to gather after the mass for tea, biscuits and a chat and have the opportunity to meet with Bishop John.”

We will be ‘hosting’ the door in October of this year and will continue to plan events and provide resources as the jubilee Year of Mercy continues.



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