Nathan and Rhiannon, from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA), visited Loreto to lead a workshop on technique and building a character entitled ‘What moves me?’ The work linked the emotional to the physical and students took part in highly focused work as an ensemble before exploring text and analysing facts, questions, bits and objectives. This was followed by a question and answer session on vocational training and applying to drama school.

Students thoroughly enjoyed working with the practitioners from one of the world’s leading and most prestigious drama schools and we hope to continue to build links to enable our students to feel confident in aspiring to train at world class institutions.


“I really enjoyed the first bit where we were just looking and seeing one another and walking around observing the room and the space and pretending there was a mist, I think it was a really great character building activity!! I loved the whole workshop; it has not changed my view of going to drama school, if anything it’s made me more positive. Hopefully I will go to drama school next year and then either after the three years, or after a short break, go on to do the psychodrama course. Thanks!”

“I thought the workshop was great. Having worked with Nathan before, I knew what to expect, which made me all the more excited. Rhiannon was amazing at acting and while working with her during the activity she reassured me of LAMDA’s high standards when it comes to performing.”



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