A former Geography student returns to Loreto College to inspire and share his experience of university life.

Jack Wilson has been working in computing since he left Bristol University with his Geography degree and spared some time to come and talk to upper sixth Geography students who are currently applying to university.

The former Loreto student talked about how geography had opened up his horizons as his course had included a year in the United States. He also explained what topics he had studied at Bristol and the kind of support that is available to students there.

About  25% of Loreto’s A level geography students go on to study Geography, and  Geography -related degrees such as Environmental Science,  at university.

Head of Geography Tony Grundy said the talk helped students to understand what geography can lead to. “It’s one of a series of events offered by the geography department to guide students about their university and career choices,” he said. “This includes talks on writing personal statements and a presentation on geography careers from Professor Kathryn Adamson from Manchester Metropolitan University. We encourage students to look at Geography because it’s one of the most employable subjects that students can study, ”he added.


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