Student Alexandra Plummer reports:

Last year The Social Justice group invited in some of the residents of The Little Sisters of the Poor care home. We arranged this event to help tackle the problem of loneliness within the elderly generation at winter time. We hosted a coffee morning and we received positive feedback. The residents then came back later in the year and joined us for Mass and lunch. This year we did the same thing. We met a wonderful lady called Marie-Claire who attended Loreto in the 1950s. She enjoyed a tour of college and said that it has completely changed since she was last here, except for the beautiful Chapel, which was exactly as it had been when she first prayed in it 65 years ago! This opportunity gave me and the other members of the Social Justice group a chance to meet new and interesting people from the wider community. This is exactly what the Social Justice group is about: helping others even in the smallest ways. For example, I could see that Marie-Claire and the other residents liked talking to us and finding out different things about us. The Social Justice group meets every Monday in the Chaplaincy area and everyone is welcome.


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