Loreto College’s Barbershop Quartet enjoyed an inspiring visit from four members of the Manchester University Barbershop Singers.  The musicians from the University of Manchester taught our students some new warm-up songs, discussed the techniques unique to Barbershop singing and passed on advice about getting the most of the voice. A highlight of the afternoon was a performance of Barbershop classic, ‘Coney Island Baby’ they gave to our students. They then spent valuable time workshopping the songs that Loreto’s quartet are learning, an experience that our students benefited from greatly.

Loreto student, Bob Koropisz said, ‘I found the workshop both entertaining and educational. The quartet suggested small changes which had great impacts on our stage presence and singing. We were taught the correct posture for singing and how to sing “properly” (correct vowel sounds, opening the throat and being aware or eachother as we sing). The workshop was an incredible experience and I am very grateful for this fantastic opportunity as we were able to have such an educational experience, and an all round great time with such talented local musicians.’

Ciaran Wilson, president of the Manchester University Barbershop Singers, commented, ‘It was really great fun to be allowed the opportunity to come along and coach the college quartet ahead of their RNCM performance. Manchester University Barbershop Singers (MUBS) is full or students who absolutely love singing barbershop, and have previously, throughout the years, had the opportunity to be coached by many different skilled experts within the barbershop field. Being able to then pass this knowledge onto the college quartet was a learning experience for all of us! It is clear that the guys listened and took on board everything that we talked about as improvements were already being heard within the rehearsal. The guys are really suited to sing together and we believe that they will grow to be a fantastic barbershop quartet. We wish them well in their journey!’

Loreto’s Barbershop Quartet will be performing in the Easter Concert at the RNCM on 29th March. Tickets are available from the finance office or from RNCM.ac.uk



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