Recently, three Geography students attended a Model UN debate at Cross Street Chapel in Manchester. The students involved, Hannah Lendzion, Lara Othman and Izza Ahmed, were representing Germany in a debate about the current refugee crisis. The students worked hard to research the issues surrounding current and past refugee movements and also Germany’s position on the matter. A number of local schools and colleges attended and played the roles of other countries involved. Opening statements were made by each country, followed by points of information. The Loreto students contributed confidently and intelligently to the evening and were particularly active in using the secretaries to pass notes to other countries and in the caucusing session in which they tried to gather support for their resolution on refugees. After debating amendments and additional clauses, each was voted on followed by a general vote on the full resoultion. The students thoroughly enjoyed the evening and learnt a huge amount about the working of the UN and international diplomacy.


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