Loreto Sixth Form College students and staff have delivered another set of superb results! As a college community, Loreto has a long and proud history of academic achievement and outstanding results and the class of 2023 are no different.

  • 99.3% Pass rate
  • 57.2% A* – B grades awarded at A Level
  • 40 Level 3 courses with 100% pass rate
  • 2828 high grades (A*-B or equivalent) awarded
  • 100% A*-B grades on the EPQ with 92% A*-A
  • 100% pass rate on BTEC Level 3 courses

At Loreto, we are guided by the seven values of our foundress, Mary Ward: Joy, Justice, Truth, Sincerity, Freedom, Internationality and not least, the value of Excellence has been demonstrated with over 70% of students achieving at least one high grade (A*-B) or more at A Level.

Michael Jaffrain, Principal said:

“I am so proud of our student and staff community, they have once again achieved outstanding results which are a testimony to their hard work, adaptability and resilience. It would be remiss of me not to mention the unique challenges this cohort faced. Their Year 10 and 11 GCSE experience will have been unlike any previous cohort due to the pandemic. The successes of our student body spans our entire community, including our Pathways students, who achieved 100% pass rate in their NOCN Employability Certificate and functional skills.

I wish our graduates of 2023 the very best in their next steps in Higher Education, training and employment.”


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