Loreto Sixth Form College students and staff are delighted to celebrate their best A Level and Level 3 results yet!
- 99.4% Pass rate at A Level
- 60% A* – B grades awarded at A Level
- 100% pass rate on BTEC Extended Certificate course
- 3105 high grades awarded on level 3 courses
- 98% A* – B grades awarded for the Extended Project Qualification
- 20 students have secured places to study at Oxbridge
These results are above all National figures at every single measure!

A Message from the Principal
Michael Jaffrain, College Principal said, “What a year 2023-2024 has been for the Loreto community! Following on from an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted inspection judgement in 2023 and the start of building work to expand our beautiful campus, these results are a superb end to the academic year. The class of 2024 have demonstrated dedication, aspiration and commitment to achieve these outstanding results. The successes of our student body spans our entire community, including our Pathways students, who achieved 100% pass rate in their NOCN Employability Certificate and functional skills. I wish our graduates of 2024 the very best in their next steps in Higher Education, training and employment”.
At Loreto, we are guided by the seven values of our foundress, Mary Ward: Joy, Justice, Truth, Sincerity, Freedom, Internationality and not least, the value of Excellence.

Loreto welcomes the Secretary of State for Education
Loreto College were honoured to welcome the Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson MP who wished to visit the college in person to congratulate Loreto students and staff on their impressive results. (pictured below) During her extended visit to Loreto, the Secretary of State enjoyed meeting with families, teachers, students, curriculum leaders and the Principal to celebrate this joyous occasion.
Open Days
Would you like to visit Loreto’s upcoming Open Days Saturday 5th and Sunday 13th October 2024? Booking is essential, link will be live soon.