We look forward to seeing Upper/ Lower Sixth in college on results day to share your joy and where appropriate offer advice and guidance.

Thursday, 15th August 2019

GCE Advanced Level Results and Advanced BTEC results are published on Thursday 15th August. Results will be available on myLoreto from 6:00am that morning. They will also be available from the college in printed form in E&K Theatre from 8.00am. Staff will be available from 8:00am in college to offer help and advice.

You can find the results page on myLoreto at: https://my.loreto.ac.uk/student/examResults

To avoid any delays when checking your results online, please visit myLoreto beforehand to make sure that your password has not expired. If you need to reset your password, you can do so at: https://parents.loreto.ac.uk/student/password.php

Thursday, 22nd August 2019

GCSE and Level 2 BTEC results are published on Thursday 22nd August. Results will be available on myLoreto from 6:00am that morning. They will also be available from the college in printed form at reception from 8.00am. Staff will be available in college on that day to offer help and advice.

You can find the results page on myLoreto at: https://my.loreto.ac.uk/student/examResults

To avoid any delays when checking your results online, please visit myLoreto beforehand to make sure that your password has not expired. If you need to reset your password, you can do so at: https://parents.loreto.ac.uk/student/password.php

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