Chaplaincy is part of our spiritual and pastoral provision at Loreto, it is a central part of the College community. A Chaplain is a person whose responsibility it is to provide this spiritual and pastoral service. A Chaplain does this in a variety of ways, from organising liturgies and occasions of prayer and worship, to providing chaplaincy users with opportunities for social outreach and to work for justice and peace.
A chaplain also provides pastorally to the community by offering a listening ear or a chat when one is needed. There are many reasons why a person might come to talk to a chaplain or to come and use the chaplaincy space for quiet reflection. It is a space for the entire Loreto community.
Our Chaplaincy space is on the first floor of Ball Building, Room B122. The Chaplains’ office is next door in B123.

Spiritual Life
Spiritual life at Loreto is rooted in the Ignatian tradition in which Mary Ward was steeped. St Ignatius believed that “all things in this world are gifts of God, created for us, to be the means by which we can come to know him better, love him more surely and serve him more faithfully.” In short, God can be found in all things.

The Chaplaincy’s activities and Enrichment provision are rich and varied each year. Through the Chaplaincy you can take part in:
Mass, Collective worship and Liturgy: The Chaplaincy organises Masses and liturgies to mark feasts and celebrations in the liturgical calendar. There are also opportunities for collective worship.
Trips and Pilgrimages:
Lourdes: The Chaplaincy joins the annual HCPT Easter Pilgrimage to Lourdes in the South of France, assisting young children and their families. The HCPT Pilgrimage is a life-changing experience for the young people and those that assist them.
Rome: The Chaplaincy also takes students to Rome where they get to explore the city as well as its significance in the story of Mary Ward.
JPIC: JPIC stands for Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation. As part of its Enrichment provision, the Chaplaincy promotes and offers opportunities to work for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in a deep, comprehensive and consistent way. The principles of Catholic Social Teaching inform our approach to JPIC.
Pop Up Chaplaincy: Though the Chaplaincy space is based in Ball building, you’ll see the Chaplaincy represented in different areas of the campus throughout each term. If you see us, come and say hello.
Tea and biscuits: It is a truth universally acknowledged that much can be achieved over a cup of tea. You can pay a whistle-stop visit to the chaplaincy at break time for a brew each morning. Biscuits are available too!
FAQs - Chaplaincy
Do I have to be Catholic to engage with the Chaplaincy?
No. Chaplaincy is for every member of the College Community, staff and students alike, of all faiths and none.
Do I have to get involved with everything?
No. The Chaplaincy is here to serve you. You are welcome to engage with as much or as little as you like. No pressure.
I have an idea for a project that the chaplaincy might want to run. Do you want to hear about it?
Yes. Chaplaincy works best when its users are keen, active and animated. If there’s something you’re passionate about, we want to hear about it.
Are there Prayer rooms at Loreto?
Yes, we have prayer spaces across the College campus that are open to students every day.