The Governors at Loreto College have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the work of the Governing Body and the College’s role in the community.

The Governing Body has a total of 19 Governors each of whom brings to the Governing Body their own specific expertise and experience. All Governors give their time voluntarily and have always shown a high level of commitment to their colleagues and to the College

The Composition of the Governing Body

The composition of the Governing Body is laid down by the College’s Instrument & Articles of Government. This is a legal document under the terms of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 which incorporated the College and establishes the Governing Body as a legal entity and defines what the Governing Body and the College may do. The Governing Body comprises:

  • At least 8 Foundation Governors, who are appointed by its Trustees
  • Up to 6 co-opted Governors
  • 1 elected Staff Governor
  • 1 elected Parent Governor
  • 2 elected Student Governors
  • The Principal

The Chair is Ann Wilkinson, who is contactable through the Clerk ([email protected]).

The Governing Body employs a Clerk to facilitate all aspects of its work.

The Responsibilities of the Governing Body

The full Governing Body meets four times per year. It receives reports from the Principal or the Clerk and its own committees.

The key responsibilities of the Governing Body are:

to determine the educational character and Mission of the College and to ensure the College management is fulfilling the mission

  • to ensure the solvency of the College and the safeguarding of its assets
  • to approve the annual estimates of income and expenditure
  • to oversee the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and the determination of the pay and conditions of the Principal and Clerk
  • to set a framework for the pay and conditions of service for all staff
  • to contribute to the leadership of the College in ways which promote the quality of teaching, learning and assessment and raise student achievement

Roles and Responsibilities: Governors & Commitees

In legal terms, the Governing Body has a corporate identity separate from its members. This means that responsibility for actions and decisions rests with the Governing Body as a whole and not with individual governors. Governors are expected to show the highest loyalty and to act collectively in the best interest of the College.

Most of the detailed work is undertaken by the committees when they meet. The committees are:

  • Audit: has legal powers to investigate all aspects of the internal control and financial systems of the College and employs two firms of auditors.
  • Finance & General Purposes: oversees the budget, monitors the duties of the Governing Body as the employer and manages the resources and the estate.
  • Standards: monitors and develops all aspects of student achievement, the quality of teaching and support and students’ experiences.
  • Remuneration: reviews salary structures of the Principal, the Deputy Principal and the Clerk.
  • Advisory: recruits new Governors with appropriate expertise and experience.

The Further and Higher Education Act 1992 requires minutes of meetings of the Governing Body to be published and accessible to the public. Below are the minutes of the meetings of the Governing Body for the preceding year in accordance with the College’s access to information policy.

Contact the Clerk to the Govenors:

FAO: Clerk to Governors

Loreto College

Chichester Road South


M15 5PB

Telephone: 0161 226 5156

email: [email protected]

Ann Wilkinson

Chair of Governors


Our telephones are being upgraded on


For any urgent enquiries on this day please email

[email protected]

Thank you