John Steinbeck once said that the only people who read plays are directors and drama teachers. We want to change that and widen awareness of plays, playwrights and styles for all lovers of literature, theatre and writing.
Theatre and Play reading club is open to everyone. We read a play over the course of two or three weeks. There is lots of discussion, analysis and lots of fun.

About Theatre & Play Reading Club
We have read works of the following playwrights in the last two years:
Iman Qureshi (The Funeral Director), Laura Wade (Home, I’m Darling), Oscar Wilde (Lady Windermere’s Fan), Steven Levenson (Dear Evan Hansen) Caryl Churchill (Love & Information), Jack Thorne (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Let the Right One in and Afterlife), Roy Williams (Antigone), Timberlake Wertenbaker (Our Country’s Good), Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot), Katie Sims (Billy the Girl), Richard Bean (Jack Absolute Flies Again), Joe Orton (What the Butler Saw), Anne-Marie Casey/Louisa May Alcott (Little Women).

Where & When?
Theatre and Play Reading Group meets every Monday (Period 4 in room E109).

- Sight-reading
- Analysis
- Interpretation
- Communication
- Forming opinion & judgement
- Pay Reading