This evening we have been advised by Pearson that BTEC results will not be released tomorrow as originally planned. Advice from Pearson indicates that they are to regrade some results following concerns about unfairness in relation to what are now significantly higher outcomes for GCSE and A Levels.

Pearson have advised that no grades will go down as part of this review and they apologise for the additional anxiety that this decision has caused.

We know that this will be frustrating and upsetting news for you as you eagerly await to receive your grades. Pearson have vowed to update colleges with further information as soon as possible and we will, of course, let you know more details as we know them. Please do keep checking your College email for updates.

GCSE results will still be released tomorrow and will be available on myLoreto from 8am.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



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For any urgent enquiries on this day please email

[email protected]

Thank you