On the last day of term, Ellis and Kennedy Theatre was filled with staff and students alike to celebrate the final day at Loreto for our Upper Sixth leavers. Fr Simon Gore, from Animate Youth, joined us to celebrate the Leavers’ Celebration Mass 2018.

Students provided the readings, reflecting uniqueness of each of each and every person and the brilliance and importance of young people in particular. There was music provided by a staff and student band, led expertly by Mrs Benson, and a rousing rendition of Oh Happy Day to finish brought much joy to this rainy Friday!

There was a celebratory video-photo-extravaganza with hundreds of photos celebrating many of the positive experiences over the last two years – trips, events and performances to name but a few – and students left the theatre with gifts and chocolate to send them on their way. There was a definite joyous atmosphere!

Good luck to all our Upper Sixth students as you sit your exams and head into the next exciting chapter of your lives!

Results day will be on Thursday 16th August, we hope to see many of you there!


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Thank you