We are the AoC National Champions!
We welcome players of all abilities, with many players trying the sport for the first time, quickly learning the basics to become competent players. For those who have played before or who are
interested in playing for a team, the College compete in regular games against other colleges.

About Volleyball
Here at Loreto we have 3 competitive volleyball teams- mens, womens and mixed. All these teams compete in the AoC national knockout cup.This year, our women’s team successfully won the competition and were crowned national champions! Interested prospective students can register interest at enrolment or freshers fair.
For those who are more interested in recreational volleyball, we also offer social volleyball sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to to practice the sport in a friendly relaxed environment and to develop your skills.

Where & When?
The teams train together on a Friday after college and play most of their matches on Wednesday afternoons.

- serving
- passing (forearm underhand passing),
- setting (overhead passing),
- attack options (hitting/spiking),
- blocking (from attack and defend positions)
- defensive skills (rolling & sliding).